This product contains pieces only. It does NOT include a board.
16 Pawns (Watchman) (8 Black, 8 White)
4 Knights (Orca) (2 Black, 2 White)
4 Bishops (Frog) (2 Black, 2 White)
2 Rooks (Bear) (1 Black, 1 White)
2 Rooks (Beaver) (1 Black, 1 White)
2 Queens (Raven) (1 Black, 1 White)
2 Kings (Eagle) (1 Black, 1 White)
Imitation Argillite Chess Set $1000.00
The Eagle: guardian of humans from above. The Eagle is considered by most of our native people to be the purest of all creatures.
Imitation Argillite Chess Piece $36.50 Each
The infamous trickster, the Raven, whom to the Haida people created the large island of the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Raven also gave light to the world.
Imitation Argillite Chess Piece $36.50 Each
Imitation Argillite Chess Piece $30.00 Each
Imitation Argillite Chess Piece $30.00 Each
The infamous frog head of an important clan on the Queen Charlotte Islands.
Imitation Argillite Chess Piece $36.50 Each
the Mighty Orca whale, shown jumping out of the water for a breath of air. (Note the face of Blow Hole Man who helps whale breathe)
Imitation Argillite Chess Piece $30.00 Each
Watchmen represent the spiritual protectors of the Haida people.